Friday, August 22, 2014

Timing is everything

I knew that this day was coming. I have endured nine chemotherapy treatments and up until the past few weeks, I have had quite a bit of my hair still. Being blessed with a full head of thick, dark hair and alot of it, my hair loss has been a slower process than many other patients who have ABVD chemotherapy. This week on Tuesday after a wonderful visit with an old friend, I gathered the strength and courage to admit to Jason that it was TIME. Time to take control and shave my head. We set out to the garage and after we both shed a few emotional tears, we just made it happen. No pictures, no documentation. It was over quickly and I have to admit, I felt great and so glad that it was finally done. It was something I felt like I was waiting for to happen for months now. Waking each morning to see more and more hair on my pillow and less on my head has been a difficult process. I almost wish that it had happened more quickly but I was able to creatively deal with my hair with hats and scarves while still having some hair peeking out beneath. It is still a shock to me to see myself in the mirror, having no hair. Getting ready to go out is a quick process, scarf or wig and we are done!

This past week Carole and I had the opportunity to have a retreat to my Aunt's schoolhouse near Collingwood for a few days. It is such a relaxing place to be and Carole and I got some much needed girlfriend time together. I was also nominated this week to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge by my teaching partner Cailin. How appropriate to be able to do the challenge with Carole and Marilyn at the Osprey Schoolhouse. My dear friend Paul Chambers as many of you know passed away from ALS this past year. I think he would have enjoyed all of the ice bucket videos, my two friend Pam and Tracey are also participating in the challenge. I would have liked to do it with them. What a way to raise awareness for such a debilitating disease. I made the decision quite quickly that I would do the challenge proudly sporting my new "do", really there wouldn't be any other way. I am on my own journey with a disease that is thankfully temporary, quite different from ALS which is permanent. This is a symbol of the battle that I have faced and continue to face each day. So challenge done, posted on facebook and donation to ALS made. I honour and dedicate my ice bucket challenge to Paul Chambers in his memory and I continue to be inspired by the spirit in which he faced his illness as I navigate through the next weeks of my remaining treatments.
Here is a screenshot of my ALS Icebucket Challenge video.

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